Apple Reseller – Switch Clearance Sales

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YAAASSSS!!! Switch Clearance Sales is coming! Happening at Switch @ The Mines.

Apple Reseller – Switch is having their Switch clearance sales before the relocating to a higher traffic location. According to Switch Facebook, the clearance will be focus on accessories such as casing, speaker, and cable. There will be some demo unit of Apple product include iPhone, iPad, iMac and iPod Touch in a very good deals to attract the customers. 

Apple Reseller - Switch Clearance Sales

Date: 8 April 2016 – 10 April 2016

Location: Switch @ The Mines

[**Update] The product list is here! More details in the Event Page!

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Terms & Conditions
1. All purchases made are at customers own risk
2. Warranty duration may vary depending on product.
3. Items involved in the clearance are either new / demo units /
incomplete sets / ageing products / warranty claimed units.
4. Switch will not be responsible for wrongful purchases which
may result in items not functioning as intended.
5. Products purchased may not include preinstalled softwares such as iWork and iLife. Customers may need to purchase the softwares should they require to use it.
6. Only ONE Apple Core Product purchase per person at any one time.
7. No purchase limit for non-Apple brand accessories.
8. Cash terms only. Credit card purchases must be valued
above RM 1000.
9. First come first served basis. No reservations allowed.
10. Only 5 persons are allowed into the clearance zone at any one time.
11. Only selected non-Apple brand accessories has warranty. Ask our crew for more info.
12. No stock replenishment for any products. First come first served, so hurry!
13.Switch has the right to amend the terms and conditions
without prior notice.


Company Overview
Switch, the leading brand under CG Computers Sdn Bhd, continues to serve the Macintosh market since 1995 and has quickly grown to be one of Malaysia’s leading Apple Premium Reseller, with a sales focus in the retail, education, and enterprise market.
To provide the best customer experience as a leading Apple Premium Reseller in Malaysia, and to be a company that is admired by the community.

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