Free Philips Scene Switch LED bulbs

1,2,3…Switch! Free Philips Scene Switch LED bulbs!
Enter the lucky draw and stand a chance to win a case of Philips Scene Switch LED bulbs worth over RM160! The lucky draw enrolment is very simple. You only have to fill in your name, Email and Phone number to stand the chance!
Scene Switch is Philip’s unique new LED bulb that lets you choose between cool and warm white lighting, using your existing switch.
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Philips Lighting is the leading provider of lighting solutions and applications both for professional and consumer markets, transforming how lighting is used to enhance the human experience in the places where people live and work. Whether at home, on the road, in the city, shopping, at work or at school, we are creating lighting solutions that transform environments, create experiences, and help shape identities.
From energy saving, CFLi and LED bulbs and luminaires, to controllable ambience solutions, we have lighting options to suit your every lighting needs in the home.